SLM Schweißtechnische Lehranstalt Magdeburg


The Welding Institute Magdeburg gGmbH is a training center as well as a service provider in the field of metal and steel construction.

The focus of the training is the basic welding training of unskilled workers as well as the qualification and further training of skilled workers.

As a service provider for steel and metal construction, the company has a test laboratory accredited by DAkkS as well as well-trained and highly motivated specialists. In addition to material examinations, services in the field of structural inspection and damage analysis are also provided.

SL Magdeburg was founded on September 5th, 1990 as a non-profit GmbH of the Magdeburg Chamber of Crafts. Further locations are meanwhile a training center in Dardesheim (Harz) and another welding technology institute in Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina).

Main focus / description of services in the field of mechanization and automation of welding processes:

  • Theoretical and practical basic training of welding technically operative personnel for manual welding technologies
  • Theoretical and practical basic training of welding technically operative staff for partially automated and automated welding technologies
  • Technical qualification of welding technicians

 Development of welding technologies for an individual product-specific welding-technical production

  • Welding tests with the aim of optimizing existing processes
  • Qualification of welding processes and process technologies (process tests)
  • Welding support for companies

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